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Video Tutorial
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In this second part, we’ll delve deeper into how fake news campaigns are used intentionally to manipulate public opinion. We’ll explore examples of disinformation aimed at influencing elections or promoting harmful agendas. Alex will also highlight the ethical challenges in regulating fake news while preserving freedom of expression, emphasizing the importance of media literacy in combating these threats effectively.

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Danger fake news

Test your skills with our quiz! Check how much you've learned and see if you can recognize false information. A fun and useful way to assess your level of digital awareness.

1 / 4

Category: Fake News

Facing fake news can reinforce anxiety disorders?

2 / 4

Category: Fake News

Fake news spread more widely if they exploit strong emotions?

3 / 4

Category: Fake News

What is the proportion of the voting-age population in 16 countries where the European elections took place that is convinced that misinformation and "fake news" had an impact on the campaign and the vote of a large proportion of voters?

4 / 4

Category: Fake News

Medias biais is something that we should be aware of when assessing the reliability of an information source?

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